Forums > Encoding > MIXMUX
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 11 2013, 20:29 ] - [Quote]
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MIXMUX is an internal group that specializes in remuxes of the highest possible quality. All MIXMUX releases must be thoroughly researched to find the best possible video/audio/commentary tracks avalable/ and subtitles available in the sources aquired during obtaining the video and audio tracks. This will help to ensure better encodes in the future for our internal groups, while allowing them to use less bandwidth. Any releases MUST be unique in some way that separates them from the others that are commercially available. For example, the best video source or the only video source available.
How to Join
- Get 5 approvals in the MIXMUX approval thread and you are a MIXMember.
- Get 10 approvals and you are allowed to approve MIXMUX submissions. (Approval MUXERs no longer have to post eac3to logs)
- Get 25 approvals and you are a MIXMUXER. (exemptions to follow)
- MIXMember
- Approval MUXER
The Guidelines
1. Purpose:
1.1 - MIXMUX has the goal of creating the highest quality remuxes.
1.2 - All MIXMUX remuxes will be unique/superior in some way that distinguishes it from other commercially available sources.
1.3 - Remuxes will always be peer-reviewed to ensure quality.
1.4 - MIXMUX will produce a product that not only the PTP population can rely upon, but the internal encoding groups.
2. Membership:
3. Submission:
3.1 - All remuxes must comply with all PTP rules.
3.2 - All remuxers of any level must submit the remux for approval before uploading to the site.
3.3 - Approval requests should have media info posted.
3.4 - Until there are actual members, I will review them.
3.5 - When uploading, edition information should include MIXMUX after all other edition information.
3.6 - When uploading, all approval information (Bluray comparison source, media info, and sources of all audio sources contained, etc.) should be included in the torrent description.
3.7 - Once uploaded and checked by PTP staff, MIXMUX remuxes may be uploaded by any user to other private trackers, where rules allow.
4. Trumping:
4.1 - Remuxes can be trumped with a superior video source.
4.2 - Remuxes can be trumped with a superior audio source.
4.3 - Remuxes can be trumped with additional commentaries taken from other sources.
1. Container/Subtitles:
1.1 - MKV container muxed with MKVMerge.
1.2 - Remux must be a single file (no samples, screenshots, NFOs, or subtitles in the torrent).
1.3 - Releases should always be tagged using the following template:
- International.English.Title.Year.(Distribution.Company.Edition).[3 Letter Acronym For Country Of Origion].(Resolution).(Video Source).(Remux).(VC-1|AVC).(FLAC.1.0/2.0/3.0/5.1/7.1)-MIXMUX.mkv
1.4 - All subtitles from source must be PGS file format, outside subtitle sources should be PGS but exceptions can be made. No compression is allowed (zlib).
1.5 - In foreign films, English subtitles must be included if available and set to default.
1.6 - If available, chapter titles from the source should be included and properly named.
2. Contents of Remux MUST:
2.1 - Video must be the highest quality source available. If no proof can be found you must be able to explain why it is superior in some way.
2.2 - Audio from the best video source is generally accepted, and original audio must be used (prefer 1.0 and 2.0 origional mixes and multichannel upmixes should be avoided).
2.3 - Commentary tracks must be fully researched. Any commercially distributed commentary, either on other DVDs or Bluray, must be acquired if the length/cut of the film or length is similar. There will be mismatches between framerates. This can be converted to the correct framerate/length using audacity. Tutorial: Syncing Audio/Commentaries/Subtitles/Chapters From Other Sources
2.4 - Any sources acquired during the research must be inspected for subtitles. If any unique subtitle files are found, they should be included if they are compatible.
3. Formats of files
3.1 - Audio
- Lossless audio that is LPCM should be converted to FLAC.
- Any other lossless audio that has a core audio track should remain as found on the Bluray. If the lossless audio (after being converted to FLAC) is smaller than the lossy core audio track, then it is preferred that it be converted to FLAC. This is typical with 1.0 and 2.0 channel audio and 5.1 that is padded to 24 bits.
- Other lossy audio should remain as found on the Bluray.
3.2 - Commentary tracks should be left untouched is they are lossy sources (i.e. AC-3). If they are lossless formats, convert them to FLAC.
3.3 - All subtitles should be set to "no" under default, unless the film is in a foreign language, then English should be set to default and be first in the cue to trigger it as such. Forced English subtitle flags need to be set to default and forced.
Any input or suggestions are very much welcome, thanks for reading and look forward to some great remuxes for PTP!
List of International BDs with Better PQ, AQ, and/or More Extras
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jun 05 2020, 04:39 ]
by chauncey

[ Jul 11 2013, 20:36 ] - [Quote]
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first page
edit: selling this space, for any inquiries PM me
edit: selling this space, for any inquiries PM me
Last edited by
chauncey [ May 18 2014, 05:33 ]
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 11 2013, 20:39 ] - [Quote]
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Video comparison:
Video comparison:
- Note subtitle english is delayed 5083ms.
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 11 2013, 20:47 ]
by Pirata00
(Vulgar Cinephile)
(This is not a custom title)
[ Jul 11 2013, 21:03 ] - [Quote]
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Awesome, FatherTimeline!
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 11 2013, 21:11 ] - [Quote]
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by crystal (Legend)
[ Jul 11 2013, 21:39 ] - [Quote]
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Good luck!
Good luck!
by stevmor
(✿ ✿ ✿)
[ Jul 11 2013, 22:30 ] - [Quote]
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Great job, FatherTimeline!
by FlashGit
(Custom Class)
(Custom Title
[ Jul 11 2013, 23:25 ] - [Quote]
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Nice idea, what I do myself all ready.
You've not mentioned chapters at all
I wouldn't OCR any language I didn't speak because I wouldn't necessarily notice errors.
AAC >>>>> OGG as it's supported on everything (not HE-AAC)
Best audio is often very debatable and we can only have one track in one language here, most people are going to pick whatever has the most channels
If this is intended as an encode source then I don't know if FLAC is ideal, encoders then have to encode the audio instead of grabbing a core track
Audio is the main problem here, which track and which format.
You've not mentioned chapters at all
I wouldn't OCR any language I didn't speak because I wouldn't necessarily notice errors.
AAC >>>>> OGG as it's supported on everything (not HE-AAC)
Best audio is often very debatable and we can only have one track in one language here, most people are going to pick whatever has the most channels
If this is intended as an encode source then I don't know if FLAC is ideal, encoders then have to encode the audio instead of grabbing a core track
Audio is the main problem here, which track and which format.
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 11 2013, 23:34 ] - [Quote]
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Well honestly, since all the encodes here use ogg primarily, I'll let it be. Many times I have been unable to find any source with it, and have had to take it from an encode. This is an exception, it will be allowed if necessary. I would prefer untouched commentary, but its not a big deal. FLAC has best compression, and we transcode to ac3 primarily. So any HD content should have FLAC anyways if the size is decent.
"most people are going to pick whatever has the most channels" I will review any main audio track selections.
read 2.7
I am considering making it manditory to upload all subs to an external source. If people notice errors, then allow it to be corrected and added as an external on ptp.
Well honestly, since all the encodes here use ogg primarily, I'll let it be. Many times I have been unable to find any source with it, and have had to take it from an encode. This is an exception, it will be allowed if necessary. I would prefer untouched commentary, but its not a big deal. FLAC has best compression, and we transcode to ac3 primarily. So any HD content should have FLAC anyways if the size is decent.
"most people are going to pick whatever has the most channels" I will review any main audio track selections.
read 2.7
I am considering making it manditory to upload all subs to an external source. If people notice errors, then allow it to be corrected and added as an external on ptp.
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 12 2013, 00:00 ]
by Nvious
(Kaya Scodelario)
[ Jul 12 2013, 00:47 ] - [Quote]
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Awesome! Can't wait to see more from this.
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 13 2013, 03:52 ] - [Quote]
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The rate of film is 23.976 and since it was filmed after 1990, the framerate of 25fps is incorrect to the original film. That is why it was slowed by selective detelecine/deinterlacing. Obviously the audio is sped up as well... When you demuxed, was the audio a different length? It probably was not, I don't know the best way of slowing audio, but mkvmerge allows it. The framerate should not be 25fps though in my opinion. I bet if you analyze those frames again you will see interlacing occurring much less frequently than usual, but i bet it is there. That is a bluray error, fixing that is probably best if the results are not terrible. I will approve it as it is still best source now. But I hope these situations don't come up very often, cause this might be alot more work than I thought

Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 13 2013, 06:39 ]
by erpel_
[ Jul 13 2013, 15:51 ] - [Quote]
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Film is 24fps. 23.976fps is the result of the NTSC Television standard, i.e. (24/1001)x1000.
If you never see any combing with 25fps (24fps source), it's sped up by ~4%. If you see some, it's not sped up.
If you never see any combing with 25fps (24fps source), it's sped up by ~4%. If you see some, it's not sped up.
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 13 2013, 20:48 ] - [Quote]
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erpel_ wrote: 
So are you saying that the film could be 25fps and be progressive? It has to have some interlaced frames to reach 25fps... Am I wrong?

Film is 24fps. 23.976fps is the result of the NTSC Television standard, i.e. (24/1001)x1000.
If you never see any combing with 25fps (24fps source), it's sped up by ~4%. If you see some, it's not sped up.
So are you saying that the film could be 25fps and be progressive? It has to have some interlaced frames to reach 25fps... Am I wrong?
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 14 2013, 00:11 ]
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 14 2013, 00:11 ] - [Quote]
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Ok I started some research on Dobermann (1997). I found that the Japanese bluray has a higher bitrate for video and is superior. Next step is commentary, I found two commentaries on a French bluray... Unfortunately I can't find a seeded source. It may be on a French DVD as well. I have a ton of subs already from another German sourced bluray. So I should be set there. If anyone else wants to lend a hand researching/helping me find a source for commentary, I would appreciate it. Anything else I missed?
by FlashGit
(Custom Class)
(Custom Title
[ Jul 14 2013, 01:26 ] - [Quote]
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There's a seeded DVD with a commentary at 'Tik. It's a French commentary though.
Don't go too nuts with this dude.
Don't go too nuts with this dude.

by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 14 2013, 01:28 ] - [Quote]
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I changed my mind, I'm gonna go ape shit nutso on this. Cause that's what it needs... a lunatic.
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 15 2013, 23:15 ]
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 15 2013, 13:05 ] - [Quote]
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by stevmor
(✿ ✿ ✿)
[ Jul 16 2013, 06:10 ] - [Quote]
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by alvareo
[ Jul 16 2013, 15:17 ] - [Quote]
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Can I post requests here?
Requests > Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me [1992]
Requests > Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me [1992]

by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 16 2013, 17:34 ] - [Quote]
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alvareo wrote: 
Request a MIXMUX - Post #684278

Can I post requests here?
Requests > Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me [1992]
Request a MIXMUX - Post #684278
by alvareo
[ Jul 16 2013, 19:17 ] - [Quote]
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Alright! I'll research and request.
Edit: Maybe add to the list of sites? They don't do direct comparisons but reviews, and sometimes they review more than one edition.
Edit: Maybe add to the list of sites? They don't do direct comparisons but reviews, and sometimes they review more than one edition.
Last edited by
alvareo [ Jul 16 2013, 19:24 ]
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 16 2013, 21:58 ] - [Quote]
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Is this the best out there? I have looked and looked... Until a criterion of this is released I think i'm gonna upload it.
Is this the best out there? I have looked and looked... Until a criterion of this is released I think i'm gonna upload it.
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 17 2013, 00:40 ] - [Quote]
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3. torrents.php?id=4612&torrentid=236179
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Jul 18 2013, 04:15 ]
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 18 2013, 04:15 ] - [Quote]
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Not sure what audio to use for 4 mosche di velluto grigio AKA 4 Flies on Grey Velvet [1971] Remux
Glitches with better sound? Or no glitches and garbling...
Glitches with better sound? Or no glitches and garbling...
by FatherTimeline
(Torrent Master)
[ Jul 24 2013, 22:16 ] - [Quote]
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4. torrents.php?id=18284&torrentid=238746
Last edited by
FatherTimeline [ Aug 06 2013, 20:42 ]